When researching family genealogy, there are many good resources available online to help you get started with your research projects. Many are pay sites but there are a few free ones as well. The very first place to get a good start on adding to your "family Tree", is to start with yourself or your kids and work backward.

Some very good websites to visit are:

  1. Family Tree Maker
  2. ancestry.com
  3. RootsWeb
Contact Tim Keesling for further information.

Intro to CSS Project Assignment 1 for Week 7

Styles are turned off via the comment tags wrapped around the stylesheet declaration.

Degraded styling would have to be used in this document to recreate the look it had with the stylesheet. It would not be recomended though. At least I wouldn't recomend it.

What I noticed right off was the header background and bottom header block border missing. This does not appear to be a major formatting issue and the page still looks ok and should view in IE6 and lower, as well as newer browsers.

The header tags returned to their original default sizes and still look good with the over-all document.

All font formatting is gone and unless you use the degraded <font> tag, the browser will use the default font. This also is not a major issue with this page and still views just fine.

The ordered list in this document didn't change at all as far as placement on the page. It also still looks very good in the current document.

I did notice that the <span> tag has lost the assigned styles as well and may need some sort of degraded styling applied to look the same as the original document. This still does not make the document less appealing.

All the styling for the links are gone as well and default to original link style and colors.

Before I started using css to style my pages, I would have used tables to get the effects that the current stylesheet has done. However, I have learned that tables should not be used to style or format a whole document so this page will have to be a very basic/boring page without the use of stylesheets.

Even though this page can be viewed in probably most browsers out there, I'm afraid that it would be too basic for todays standards. It would proably be a nice page for a text only browser but that is about it.

Since I have learned these new XHTML and CSS standards I can't say that I could improve upon this basic page without the use of CSS and XHTML. This would unfortunatly leave some older browsers out in the cold.