CSS Week 2 Review
- In the figure above, item 5 is a(n)
- c. id definition (id selector).
- In the figure above, item 4 is a(n)
- b. class definition (class selector).
- What are some advantages of using id over class? Please reference your response. For example, if you found the information at an online source, indicate the URL; if you used the text, list the page; or if you just knew, state that.
- An id is a more specific selector.
- The id selector can be used to partition so to speak, your markup into sections such as the "Header" "MainBody" "Footer".
- Can only be used once in an HTML document or CSS document.
- I had learned this information a couple months ago when reading a book called "Build Your Own Web Site The right Way Using HTML & CSS" By IAN LLOYD.
- What are some advantages of using class over id. Please reference your response.
- As mentioned above, id can only be used once in a document where a class selector can be used over and over and with any element.
- The Class selector is very versatile while it still can also be used for one specific element.
- Also learned this from the book "Build Your Own Web Site The right Way Using HTML & CSS" By IAN LLOYD.