XHTML Week 4 Review Questions and Answers
1. Name five deprecated elements that cannot be used in XHTML 1.0 Strict documents or future XHTML specifications.
- basefont
- center
- dir
- font
- isindex
2. Why is the Transitional XHTML doctype, to some, a better choice than using the Strict XHTML doctype?
- My first thought on this would be backward compatibility with older browsers.
- My second thought on this would be that it is easier to write markup as you can get away with sloppy code a bit more than with XHTML Strict.
- A third thought is that the <applet> element can still be used in Transitional and if you are a designer that uses this element you would tend to use the transitional DTD.
3. What is a browser-specific (or proprietary) element?
- An element that will only work in a specific browser.
- As browser software makers move to comply with web standards, less of this is happening however, it still does happen.
- My thought on this would be that a browser software company might feel they have an advantage over the other by allowing proprietary elements that the other does not. This does not comply with what the W3C is trying to accomplish.
4. List five deprecated attributes that cannot be used in XHTML 1.0 Strict.
- background: used in the <body> element - now use CSS to manipulate.
- bgcolor: used in the <table> <tr> <td> <th> <body> elements - now use CSS
to manipulate.
- target: used with the <a> element - Can't use anymore with Strict XHTML -
However I have found a Javascript work around or Hack for this. You use
<target> to specify the destination browser window where your hyperlink when
clicked on, loads into.
- text: used in the <body> element to specify a color for the
document text, now use CSS color to manipulate.
- width:
- width - <hr> now use CSS width.
- width - <td> & <th> do not use tables for layout.
- width - <pre> now use CSS width.
5. This question will take a bit of research but not much....
The align attribute is deprecated in many elements within the Strict DTD. However, there are elements where this attribute is still allowed. List the elements where align is allowed (there are 8).
- <col> align - right, left, center, justify, char -
Defines the horizontal alignment of the content in the table cell, in the
- <colgroup> align - right, left, center, justify, char -
Defines the horizontal alignment of the contents in the column group.
- <tbody> align - right, left, center, justify, char -
Aligns the content inside the tbody element.
- <td> - align - right, left, center, justify, char -
Aligns the content in a cell.
- <tfoot> - align - right, left, center, justify, char -
Aligns the content inside the tfoot element.
- <th> - align - right, left, center, justify, char -
Aligns the content in a cell.
- <thead> - align - right, left, center, justify, char -
Aligns the content inside the thead element.
- <tr> - align - right, left, center, justify, char -
Aligns the content in a table row.
XHTML Week 4 Transitional XHTML Project Assignment
XHTML Week 4 Strict XHTML Project Assignment