I have been messing around with HTML since 1996. I was one of those that learned the "OLD WAY" of doing things. Unfortunately being perfectly happy with the way I was writing my markup, I let technology slip by me. I have never been one to use WYSIWYG editors and have always used some type of hard code editor. I used Arachnophilia for many, many years as it was a bare bones editor with a few nice features that automated things a bit! I was also a "TABLEholic" in which tables WERE my style. I knew nothing else and they seemed to work well enough. I could go on and on with my reasons for not getting into CSS and new technologies but I won't, I have seen the light! I am so happy to have found a great editor like Amaya though that helps correct problems especially since I am an old HTML writer. I have been messing around with CSS now for about two months and have read the book that I reference below. I have found a new understanding of how important it is to write "PROPER XHTML" markup to in turn write proper CSS and have it all validate. I have found that aligning things with CSS can be a huge headache (if you used to do it the old way with tables) but there is so much help online about this subject that you can usually find the markup you need to get by. I want to thank Chimene for a great job on her lessons each week. I am learning so much valuable information.
eClasses XHTML Online Course
A very good book to read to learn CSS is BUILD YOUR OWN WEB SITE THE RIGHT WAY USING HTML & CSS By Ian Lloyd